Meet the faces of Mission House | Louis

Meet Louis. 

Louis grew up in St. Augustine with his sister and his mother. He had many challenges during childhood. He was "always surrounded by a party."  

He began drinking when he was eight years old. He began to hear voices in his teens and was later diagnosed with schizophrenia.  He reported he drank and used drugs out of habit and for self-medication. 

He was arrested in 2010 and served six years in prison on a drug sales charge.  Our case managers here at Mission House met him a few weeks after his release.  

“He was determined to do the right thing and make his sister proud,” according to Mission House Case Manager, Carmen. 

With the help of Mission House Case Managers, Louis got a job at Taco Bell and was having a hard time making it due to having to sleep outside when he was not working. Mission House assisted him into a room for rent.  

He worked there for a few months when he admitted he had relapsed, lost his job at Taco Bell, and was not able to pay his rent. He continued to work with Mission House to find another suitable place to continue to pursue sobriety. 

Mission House contacted Sober Living America.  They happened to have a room and helped him get a job at a nearby staffing agency. Since then, he has been working, paying rent, taking care of his mental health, and maintaining sobriety. 

Louis believes he has found the supportive community that he needs to overcome his past and the tools to finally achieve independence from addiction. 

Compassion by the Sea

Mission House is the only day facility to help meet the needs of people who are homeless at the Beaches through compassion, faith, and programs designed to provide assistance at an individual level. Today, our number one goal is to assist people who are homeless off the streets of the Beach and back to productive and self-sufficient lives. 

Mission House clients work one-on-one with the case managers to develop a program planned to restore their independence.  Services for active clients include: obtaining identification, sources of income, housing, substance abuse referrals, medical assistance through our clinic, bus passes for jobs or doctor appointments, and clothing vouchers for interview/job clothing.


Mission House is a non-profit organization, funded by donations and fundraisers, while run by volunteer services. 

Because you give…

  • We accommodate an average of 215 visitors per month, including new and repeat.
  • We help our clients find new jobs and on average approximately 7 visitors are employed per month.
  • Mission House is able to find housing for an average of 10 clients per month.

Thanks for your love and support!